Self-Care Practices to Minimize Burnout

When your schedule is full of appointments and commitments to provide care or help other people it can be hard to leave enough room for self-care.

It is essential to create a self-care commitment because in order to attend to the needs of others, you must first be sure your own needs are met.

Here are some tips to help you avoid burnout and create a self-care plan:

1.       Schedule Self-Care

You know how you plug your most important obligations into a calendar? Make it a point to also plug in your self-care time and stick to it. And lucky for you, self-care has a variety of meanings. From regular doctors’ appointments to regular exercise to meditation to time alone, etc.

2.       Make Health A Top Priority

Getting ample, quality sleep is extremely important for your health. It’s also important to choose nutritious foods and move your body daily, even if just a ten-minute walk. Your mental health and emotional health thrive when in balance with your physical health.

3.       Learn to Say No

It is time that you realize you do not have to agree to do everything everyone asks or invites you to do. Believe it or not, there are many creative and polite ways to say “no.” Here are some examples:

“I don’t have any availability in my schedule right now.”

“Thank you so much for asking me. I truly appreciate it, but I am not going to be able to make it this time.”

4.       Step Away from The Screens

The TV, phone, iPad, and laptop aren’t going anywhere. Take a break. Go outside and go for a nature walk. Look up at the sky. Listen to the birds. Read a book. Too much time spent in front of a screen can’t be good for us, right? Connect with nature, relax, and rejuvenate.

5.       Create New Habits

If you learn to accept the fact that self-care is absolutely necessary, it will naturally become a part of your daily life. Habits are formed by repetition. Choose one action you can take each week to care for yourself and stick to it.

6.       Listen to Your Body’s Sensations

It’s always a good idea to actively check in with the messages your body sends you. Your body’s sensations carry valuable information. Listen to these messages and attend to what your body and mind need. For example, if your back is stiff, it’s time to stretch. If you’re feeling run down, it’s a sign to slow down and rest.

7.       Reach Out for Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to seek help. Sometimes when we have lost our balance and can’t find our way back, seeking support from a professional can make a world of difference.

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