Customized grant services

Specific to your goals and use case

Ascend NBS works with organizations across the country, giving us a broad understanding of the funding landscape and the types of grants that are available to different types of organizations. Our grant management strategies prioritize high throughput with quality, helping organizations streamline their grant writing processes. This leads to efficient business grant writing, enhancing their chances of securing award-winning grants. By leveraging our grant writer expertise, organizations can further optimize their grant proposals. Thus, by leveraging our collective expertise and experience, Ascend NBS can help your organization increase grant funding and improve its capacity to deliver high-quality programs and services to the local community.

Our ideal client is an organization with a bold vision for positive social change. They are passionate, forward-thinking, and committed to making a meaningful impact in their community and beyond. Strong leadership is a defining trait of our ideal client as they inspire and guide their team with a clear sense of purpose, grant writing strategy, organization, and dedication to excellence. Our clients understand the importance of business grant writing in achieving their mission. They value collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, and they understand the transformative power of grant funding in advancing their mission. At Ascend NBS, we are privileged to partner with visionary leaders who drive positive change in the nonprofit, government, education, and business sectors.

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Our core competencies include

Since 2019, Ascend NBS has secured millions of dollars in funding for our clients. Leveraging our strong understanding of the grant application and review processes.


Preparing the organization to successfully compete for grant funding by ensuring it has the necessary infrastructure, resources, processes, and capacity for effective grant writing. Our grant writing services also include preparing businesses for grant writing and developing tailored grant writing strategies.


Developing a plan to pursue funding opportunities that align with the organization’s mission and goal. Reviewing the application guidelines and requirements for each funder to ensure the proposal meets all criteria.


Our grant writer team understands the funding landscape, conducting thorough research on the funding opportunity, and crafting compelling narratives. Business grant writing requires careful budget planning and narratives that reflect the organization’s strengths and the funder’s priorities.


Our Founder & CEO serves as a reviewer for the federal government, institutions of higher education, foundations, and corporations.

Ascend NBS Approach to Grant Writing with a New Client

1. Initial Consultation

We begin with a comprehensive initial consultation to understand your organization’s goals, needs, and priorities, especially concerning grant writing and business grant writing requirements. This allows our grant writers to tailor their approach to your specific needs.

2. Needs Assessment

Our team conducts a thorough needs assessment to identify potential funding opportunities that align with your mission and objectives.

3. Customized Strategy

We develop a tailored grant-seeking strategy, outlining your organization’s most suitable grants and foundations.

4. Grant Research

Our experts conduct extensive grant research to identify potential funders and assess their compatibility with your project or program.

5. Relationship Building

We assist in building and nurturing relationships with funders to strengthen your organization’s long-term sustainability.

6. Proposal Development

We craft compelling grant proposals that effectively convey your organization’s mission, impact, and alignment with the funder’s objectives.

7. Budget Preparation

Our team prepares accurate and detailed budgets that align with your project’s goals and the funder’s requirements.

8. Application Submission

We manage the entire application process, ensuring that submissions are complete, on time, and meet all necessary criteria.

9. Grant Management

Once awarded, we provide ongoing grant management support to ensure compliance with reporting and accountability requirements.

10. Continuous Evaluation

We continually assess and refine our grant-seeking strategy to maximize funding opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

The grant writing process can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about our business grant writing services and our grant writing strategies. Our grant writer team is here to help answer any queries you may have.

We specialize in grants to foundations, corporations, and government agencies.

We work with nonprofits of all sizes, maturity, and revenue, schools (K-12, higher education, and certification institutions), and governments who need to increase their organizational capacity and grow their programs by securing grants as part of their overall fundraising strategy.

Our ideal client is an organization that is ready, willing, and recognizes the need to outsource any and all aspects of grant writing, from research through submission.

We can help organizations at any stage, young or established. It’s appropriate to bring in our expertise whenever you recognize you need our help and services.

Prices vary depending on the complexity of the project. Please contact fill out our survey online to discuss your organization’s needs.

Yes, we work remotely with all of our clients.

I am typically available from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST (US) Monday through Thursday. I am happy to make alternate communication arrangements, but ask that you request those arrangements in advance.

We do not discuss the specifics of your grants or any information contained therein with anyone outside of your organization or without your express written approval.

Grant Writing, Grant Research, Grant Readiness Assessments, Grant Training, and Strategic Planning.

We promise to write the best grant possible in support of an award but make no guarantees of an award. A successful grant application requires not only a well-written proposal, but other factors that are outside of our control such as an agency’s capability, solvency, financials, and qualification

Arlene Siller has been writing grants for 30+ years and our team has 75+ years of grant writing experience collectively, all team members have been trained under Arlene.

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